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The woman was a beautiful 18-year-old with long, flowing hair and full lips. She had a perfect body, with high cheekbones and full lips. Her breasts were perky and full, standing at attention as she walked around the room

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The woman was a beautiful 18-year-old with long, flowing hair and full lips. She had a perfect body, with high cheekbones and full lips. Her breasts were perky and full, standing at attention as she walked around the room. The man in the photo was her captor, a sadistic individual who enjoyed taking pictures of his victims before he raped them. He had a fetish for tying up his victims and taking photos of them naked, often using high-quality cameras to capture every detail of their bodies. As he approached the young woman, she could see the lust in his eyes. He wanted to take more photos of her naked body, to relish in the sight of her exposed flesh and the way she struggled against her bonds. He reached out to touch her skin, running his fingers over her curves as he took multiple photographs of her body. His hands were warm and clumsy as they touched her soft skin, leaving trails of goosebum

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