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The story is about a teenage girl who is a model and has a big open mouth. She is posing for a photo shoot and the photographer wants her to show off her body. The girl is excited and happy to do it. She poses with her

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The story is about a teenage girl who is a model and has a big open mouth. She is posing for a photo shoot and the photographer wants her to show off her body. The girl is excited and happy to do it. She poses with her hands on her hips and looks up at the camera. The photographer takes several photos of the girl from different angles, including one where she is holding a bag of money.She goes to the bathroom and takes off her clothes. She puts on a bathrobe and sits on the edge of the bed. The girl gets up and walks over to the shower, turns it on, and starts washing herself. The girl then gets out of the shower and dries herself off with a towel. She puts on some panties, a long silky nightgown, and some socks. She then goes back into the bedroom, lies down on the bed, opens up her legs wide, shows off her beautiful body, washes herself with soap again

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