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The woman was a blonde stewardess with long legs and a slim body. She wore a tight white blouse that showed off her athletical body, and she had full length black tights that hugged her curves perfectly. Her long legs were on display

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The woman was a blonde stewardess with long legs and a slim body. She wore a tight white blouse that showed off her athletical body, and she had full length black tights that hugged her curves perfectly. Her long, slender legs were on display as she walked down the aisle of the plane, causing many men to turn their heads in admiration.As they stepped out of the plane, the woman's eyes widened at the sight before her. Before her lay an immense expanse of blue sky and vast ocean stretching out as far as the eye could see. A steady wind whipped across her face, carrying with it the scent of saltwater and fresh life.She leaned back against the side of the plane and closed her eyes for a moment, feeling exhilarated by this new experience. It was an incredible journey that she would never forget."Ladies and gentlemen," said the voice over the intercom, "we are approaching our destination."This announcement jolted her from her rever

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