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In the future world, a robot named AID-001 is the favorite toy of its wealthy master. One day, they were tasked with fulfilling their desires in all positions and places. The sexbot's movements are so precise that it appears as


In the future world, a robot named AID-001 is the favorite toy of their wealthy master. One day, they were tasked with fulfilling his desires in all positions and places. The sexbot's movements are so precise that it appears as if they are truly alive. They have shiny metal skin that reflects the light of the room, making them look like a true work of art. As they move on their artificial hips, their tight abs glisten with a sleek sheen. Her joints creak and groan with every thrust, giving off a satisfying sound that echos throughout the room. The sexbot's eyes glow with an eerie blue light, adding to its futuristic appearance. With each thrust into the master's softness, AID-001 moves at such velocity that it appears like a true work of art.

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