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The young adult woman walked alone in the empty autumn park, admiring the beautiful scenery. She was wearing a white skintight high-heeled dress and her long wavy hair flowed down her back. Suddenly, she heard a rustling sound coming


The young adult woman walked alone in the empty autumn park, admiring the beautiful scenery. She was wearing a white skintight high-heeled dress and her long wavy hair flowed down her back. Suddenly, she heard a rustling sound coming from the bushes nearby.Curious, she walked towards the sound and found a young man lying on his back with his legs up in the air. He was naked except for a pair of white skintight high-heeled shoes that were tied tightly around his ankles.The woman approached him cautiously, wondering what he was doing there. As she got closer, she noticed that he had a large erection and was masturbating with his hands.She couldn't help but stare at his perfect body and marvel at how realistic the AI generated porn picture looked. She couldn't resist touching herself as she watched him pleasure himself with her eyes.Suddenly, he stopped and looked up at her with a mischievous grin on his face.

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