PW 上有 FLUX 的模板!

模板可用于 PornWorks AI 上的 FLUX!嘿,朋友们!我们很高兴地宣布,我们已经为 Lux Nude People 增加了使用模板的可能性!现在,CivitAI 的大部分模型都可以在 Lux Nude People 上使用!如果您还不知道我们在说什么,我建议您阅读最新文章,了解来自 Stable Diffusion 创建者的全新强大模型--FLUX!轻松入门 如果您完全不知道从何入手,我向您推荐简单的模板,让您轻松入门:Vanta BlackDreamART Style LoRANeon EnvironmentsAesthetic LoRA for FLUXFaeTastic Details 只需键入模型名称并搜索即可。但我还想提醒大家一个有用的小抄,即无需使用其他模板即可在 FLUX 上使用的角色,更多详情我将在有关 FLUX 的文章中详细介绍!这些角色来自: 🎮 视频游戏(马里奥、索尼克、宠物小精灵等)。 🎬 电影和电视剧(漫威、DC、迪士尼等的角色) 📺 动漫 👥 现实生活中的人物🐎 吉祥物 创建并享受!在我们舒适的 Discord 社区中分享您的创作,现在那里正在进行一项专门针对 Lux Nude People 模型的挑战,快来加入吧!

FLUX 是 PornWorks AI 上最新的文本图像模型

FLUX - PornWorks AI 的最新模特!简介 大家好,欢迎阅读另一篇文章!在这篇文章中,您将了解到用于从文本生成图像的全新强大模型 FLUX 及其功能。FLUX 已经可以在 PornWorks AI 上使用,让我们进入文章!一些历史 Flux 的开发者是 Stable Diffusion 和 Stable Diffusion XL 的前创建者--Robin Rombach 和 Andreas Blattman。两人都赞成这个想法,但公司只追求商业利益。结果,双方发生了冲突,一些关键人物离开了 Stability AI 公司。不久,他们创建了一家新公司 "黑森林团队",并向我们展示了 FLUX。关于 Flux 模型,它以 120 亿变压器为基础,采用创新方法,即使在消费级显卡上运行,也能实现高性能和高图像质量。该模型能很好地跟随提示并识别文本。FLUX 有三个版本:FLUX.1 DEV:开放源代码,供非商业使用。FLUX.1 SCHNELL:注重速度,只需 1-4 步即可生成图像。FLUX.1 PRO:该模型的最高级版本,用于生成高质量图像。遗憾的是,要在电脑上部署 FLUX,您需要一个拥有 12 GB 以上显存的强大显卡。但我们已经为您完成了这一切,因此您现在就可以在 PornWorks AI 上通过手机试用!我们很快还将添加 FLUX 模板(LoRA)。 在此期间,您可以看看这篇文章,其中列出了 FLUX 中可用的角色。模型知道这些字符,因此您无需使用 LoRA 即可生成它们。这些角色来自:🎮 视频游戏(马里奥、索尼克、宠物小精灵等)🎬 电影和电视剧(漫威、DC、迪斯尼等公司的角色)὏ 电影和电视剧(漫威、DC、迪斯尼等公司的角色)。动画和漫画὏ 现实生活中的人物🐎吉祥物 特点和示例 三个手持 "PW FLUX "标牌的年轻性感女孩、两个黑发女孩和一个红发女孩、丰满女孩、大胸、窄腰、夜晚海滩、篝火、宝丽来、大海、沙滩、森林、星空。此外,FLUX 还能制作非常逼真的图像以及动画风格的图像,因此它的用途非常广泛。在屁股上画上文字 "PORNWORKS",狗爬式姿势,狗爬式姿势,昂贵的酒店,性感女孩,屁股焦点,夜晚,发光的霓虹灯标志 "PORNWORKS".这是一张凶猛的动漫风格海报艺术,女性吸血鬼有着发光的红色眼睛和狂野的白发,胸部适中,她的哥特式服装和獠牙使她看起来气势汹汹。动漫风格美学,闪亮的红眼睛,夸张的高光。简化的皮肤着色,柔和的渐变,典型的动漫风格。尖锐、棱角分明的獠牙,夸张的风格。效果令人惊叹!如果你以前不得不使用大量的 LoRA,不断编辑提示并寻找最佳方案,那么 FLUX 可以让你半信半疑!一个凶猛的年轻性感女孩,霓虹灯 "PORNWORKS",夜色酒吧,魅惑女孩,吸血鬼,中等裸胸,红色眼睛,绿色黑板 "FLUX "文字,非常性感的裸体年轻女孩艾莎,大而紧实的乳房,性感、裸体、哥特女孩、黑色长发、黑色嘴唇、深色妆容、乳头、魅力、敞开的白衬衫、微笑、绿色黑板、在学校、丰满 使用这个名为 "LUX NUDE PEOPLE "的模型,创作您自己的杰作!如果您喜欢该图片,要创建自己的版本,只需点击 "复制到生成器 "即可。结论 色情作品为创作提供了绝佳的机会!希望这篇文章对你有用,也希望你现在可以在 PornWorks 上轻松生成神经杰作!加入我们的 Discord 社区,参与神经挑战!

什么是 Porn Works AI?

什么是色情作品人工智能?导言 现代科技正在以惊人的速度发展,神经网络正在成为日常生活的一部分,渗透到生活的方方面面--从艺术到科学。如今,神经网络已应用于最无生命的领域,包括创造独特的内容。如果说以前这似乎是遥不可及、难以理解的东西,那么现在每个人都已经掌握了它,PornWorks AI 就是一个生动的例子!生成器 PornWorks.AI - 这是一个独特的平台,用户可以使用神经网络生成图像,还可以使用许多其他高级功能。让我们逐一了解一下!PornWorks 的主要工具是一款功能强大的图像生成器,您可以随时随地使用,无需注册。您可以用它根据自己的要求创建任何图片。操作非常简单:写入文字,选择模特和所需分辨率,您的杰作就完成了!平台上有许多可供生成的模型,包括大量的 LoRA 模板,这些模板种类繁多,不会让你感到厌倦。有了这些模型,您就可以准确无误地生成高质量的色情艺术作品。如果您有兴趣了解更多关于生成器和 LoRA 的操作,可以阅读此处的详细指南:- PW AI 生成器指南 - LoRA 或模板:带示例的指南 只需尝试编写一个简单的查询并生成一些内容:instagram 照片、19 岁 Ashley 的照片、黑发、窄腰、裸体、[SIZE] 胸部、性感、化妆、夜公园、花环、长发、浅笑、电影、摄影、柔和、聚焦、浅笑、性感表情 PornWorks 还提供自己的生成模型,这些模型在网站和 Civitai 平台上均免费提供。它们旨在创建高质量的内容,可通过以下链接获取:- PornWorks Real Porn - PornWorks Sexy&Beauty 我们邀请您试用这些模特!它们适合任何想要创作具有令人印象深刻的细节和美感的艺术作品的人。图库 在 PW 上您可以找到一个图库,在这里您可以从其他用户的作品中获得灵感。此外,您还可以张贴自己的图片,获得喜欢和奖励。画廊是展示您的技能和欣赏其他作者作品的绝佳方式!如果你喜欢图片,要创建自己的版本,只需点击复制到生成器即可。脱衣 除了图片生成器,PornWorks AI 还提供了另一个有趣的功能--脱衣 本质很简单--上传一张你爱了很久的人的照片--然后就可以了!角色 下一个有趣的功能是角色!这里的一切都很直观简单:上传照片,然后用这张面孔创建个性化图片。上传后,面孔将被添加到生成器中,一切取决于你的想象力!上传的面孔还可用于下一个有趣的功能--交换。交换 交换功能允许你在现成的图片甚至视频上替换脸部!您可以从示例中选择,也可以上传自己的。尽情享受吧计划与付款 要方便地使用所有功能,请购买专业计划。网站上有三种订阅类型:Lite、Ultimate 和 Plus。使用终极版,您将获得所有功能的完整访问权限,这是最优惠的。- 访问快速队列--生成全高清图片--无限私人存储--12 种多重生成--在自己的图片上进行魔法涂色--详细的 4K 升频--最新的逼真 AI 模型--生成视频动画--解压上传的图片--带有自己角色的图片--无缝换脸 您可以使用 Visa、Mastercard、Google Pay 和 Crypto 支付 1 个月、3 个月或 12 个月的订阅费用。结论 Porn Works 为创造力提供了巨大的机会!所有功能都可以按照你的意愿进行组合,只有幻想才会限制你的发挥!希望这篇文章对你有用,也希望你现在可以在 PornWorks 上轻松制作神经杰作!加入我们的 Discord 社区,参与神经挑战!

认识我们的新 XL 模特--性感与美丽!

认识我们的新 XL 模型 - 性感与美丽!最新版本可在 PornWorks.AI - 最佳 NSFW 神经生成器上免费获取 与 Real Porn 不同,此模型并非用于色情。使用它可以获得逼真的效果和精美的照片,其灵感来自于光鲜亮丽的杂志。Sexy & Beauty 还拥有鲜艳的色彩和饱和度。我们做了大量工作来创建一个完美遵循提示的模型,即使不使用 ADetailer 和 Upscaler 也能生成最高质量的 NSFW 输出图像!欲了解更多信息,请访问 Civit AI 或立即在 Porn Works AI 上试用此模型 别忘了在我们舒适的社区中分享您的杰作!PornWorks AI 团队致以最诚挚的问候!


通过本指南改善您几代人的乳房!嗨,朋友们!今天的迷你指南是关于女性胸部的:我们将了解如何在 Prompt 中正确设置胸部大小,并使其始终保持完美,开始吧!在开始之前,我建议您阅读我们的新手指南。如果您已经掌握了技巧,请跳过这一步。尺码词 这里有一些关于尺码管理的提示词,可能会对您有所帮助: tinysmallmediumbig large 我还总是在尺码上加上胸部,比如中等胸部。今天,阿什利(Ashley)来访,她赤身裸体地走在夜色中的公园里。让我们来看看她的胸部大小是如何根据提示变化的 instagram 照片,19 岁 Ashley 的照片,黑色头发,窄腰,裸体,[SIZE] 乳房,性感,化妆,夜间公园,花环,长发,浅笑,胶片,摄影,柔和,对焦,浅笑,性感表情 从左到右,我们将上面列表中的每个单词添加到查询中,以代替 SIZE。如果我们只保留 "乳房 "而不去掉 "大小",那么它们就是中等的:从左到右,我们将上面列表中的每个词添加到查询中,以代替 "尺寸"。你可以调整乳头的颜色和大小,例如粉色或棕色,但我不建议这样做,因为神经网络对提示中的颜色反应非常敏感。您也可以用同样的方法生成不同的乳房形状:下垂紧实 您还可以使用不同的姿势,但最好还是向 LoRA 寻求帮助,详情如下:挤压双乳 这里有一些有用的 LoRA 用于创意生成的示例,或许能给您带来灵感(只需在 PornWorks 搜索中输入名称即可):乳头胶带乳房时尚服装湿衬衫xl乳头穿孔闪光乳房 因此,希望对您有所帮助,现在您的胸部会更酷了!(在精彩的 PornWorks 社区分享您的杰作!💝

CivitAI 上有我们最好的 NSFW 真实色情模特!

Our best NSFW model Real Porn is available on CivitAI! Real Porn is a model from PornWorks designed to maximize realism The latest version is always available for free on PornWorks AI – best nsfw neural generator! Real Porn is designed for high-quality photorealistic porn with high detail. We have done a lot of work to create a model that follows the hint perfectly, producing the highest quality NSFW output images. More on CIVITAI 👈 Don’t forget to turn off the NSFW filters on the site. Make the most of your model and feel free to share your creations with the PornWorks community! 

我们全新的 XL 图像生成模型 - 真实色情!

Our new own XL model for image generation! Meet Real Porn!   This is the best model for image generation. And it’s already available on PornWorks AI! The main features are simple prompts and high-quality porn. Just the way we like it. The model also has great details, just take a look! Real Porn is only available on PornWorks for now, but will soon be available on CivitAI for anyone to download. Share your hot creations on Real Porn in our community! If youre already tested it, let our know your impressions! Have fun generating! Best regards, The PornWorks AI Team 💕  

LoRA 或模板:附有示例的详细指南

LoRA 或模板:附示例的详细指南 嗨!在本文中,我们将介绍什么是 LoRA 模型(或模板)、为什么需要它们以及如何使用它们。如果您错过了 PornWorks AI 生成器的介绍性指南,我强烈建议您阅读一下。LoRA 到底是什么?模板(LoRa)--是在模型基础上添加的小插件。您可以将其视为自定义模型的一个小版本。但它们不能单独使用,您需要挑选适合您的模型。LoRa 既可以改变图像的风格,也可以帮助您创建特定的角色。如果您没有想法,可以查看 CivitAI(一个拥有各种 LoRA 的网站)或我们的 Discord,我们会在那里发布 PW 上的各种有用模式。PW 上有 CivitAI 上几乎所有未被禁止使用的模型。它们会随着时间的推移而上传,因此如果网站上没有您想要的模型,而它又是最近发布的,请耐心等待,它应该很快就会上传到我们的生成器中。重要:PornWorks AI 上有 SD 1.5 模型和裸体人(SDXL)模型。它们的架构完全不同,因此请注意,您将无法在 SDXL 模型的生成器中添加 1.5 版的 LoRA。在 PW 上选择特定模型时,只会显示适合您的架构的模板。有哪些 LoRA?模板有完全不同的种类,就所有目的而言,最常见的模板有以下几种:风格类 LoRA 顾名思义,这些模板可以帮助您在图像上实现特定的风格,从某种艺术风格(如水彩)到特定的主题风格(如火/冰/霓虹灯风格)。举例说明更容易理解。让我们生成一些关于裸体人物的模型:instagram 照片,19 岁红发玛丽的照片,中等胸部,乳头,水下,裸体,赤裸,阴道,阴部,独奏 要添加 LoRA,您需要在 "模板 "选项卡中选择它,然后单击 "添加",提示中的 LoRA 如下: 向 PW 请求添加 LoRA 时,其权重的默认值为 0.5。触发词也被添加到某些模式中。它们会自动添加到查询中。让我们在此提示中添加 Neon UV Lora,其默认权重为:instagram 照片,19 岁红发玛丽的照片,中等胸部,乳头,水下,裸体,赤裸,阴道,阴部,单人,PENeonUV,黑光,霓虹灯, 即使权重为 0.5,您也可以用肉眼看出区别:图像更暗,饱和度略高:正如您已经意识到的,风格化的 LoRA 在很大程度上不会影响图像的本质,而是影响其设计。让我们比较一下这三张图片:使用相同模板的另一个示例:19 岁金发女郎克洛伊的照片,丰满的身材,漂亮的脸蛋,丰满的胸部,长发,乳头,独舞,浅笑 19 岁克洛伊的照片,丰满的身材,漂亮的脸蛋,丰满的胸部,长发,独舞,浅笑,PENeonUV,黑光,霓虹灯, 这里更明显。我们继续。让我们试试另一个 LoRA 开始提示:19 岁金发女郎克洛伊的照片,大胸部,长发,乳头,独舞,浅笑 19 岁金发女郎克洛伊的照片,大胸部,长发,乳头,独舞,浅笑,火,元素,组成,的,元素, 小建议:不要害怕调整 LoRA 的重量。如果在图像上看不到模板的效果,可以增加权重。但权重不要超过 3,否则会得到低质量的生成。我将权重提高到了 2。再看一个 LoRA 来说明问题。同样的查询,只是添加了一个模板:19 岁 Chloe 的照片,身材丰满,面容姣好,胸部丰满,长发,乳头,独唱,浅笑 ral-dissolve,ice, 我想这个已经很清楚了。让我们进入下一个类别。不同姿势的 LoRA 不幸的是,神经网络还不能反映我们所能想象的一切。摆姿势可能是 LoRA 最常见的用途。开始提示:instagram 照片、19 岁的南希、大胸部、乳沟、浴袍、身材匀称、皮肤苍白、(微笑:.4)、阴影强烈、独舞、夜色雪林、蒸汽 让我们让她解开浴袍的纽扣,向我们展示最美的部分。Instagram 照片,19 岁,南希,棕色长发,大胸部,乳沟,白色浴袍,身材良好,皮肤苍白,(smile:.4),硬阴影,单人,夜雪森林,蒸汽,shirtspread, 这很简单!这就是为什么模板是非常有用的工具。让我们使用相同的查询和 LoRA 来处理传教士姿势的 instagram 照片,19 岁的南希,棕色长发,大胸部,身材匀称,皮肤苍白,(smile:.4),硬阴影,单人,蒸汽,pm1s,女孩,视角,阴茎, 还有一个姿势的 LoRA:instagram 照片,19 岁的南希,棕色长发,大胸部,身材良好,皮肤苍白,(微笑:.4),硬阴影,独奏,蒸汽,pm1s,女孩,pov,阴茎, 不要忘记将您喜欢的 LoRA 添加到收藏夹!只需点击右上角的星星即可!让我们进入下一个类别服装、发型等 LoRA。要为角色添加某种风格或类型的服装、发型等,需要使用该类别中的模板。让我们使用前面例子中已经很熟悉的提示,并将此 LoRA 混合到其中:instagram 照片,19 岁的南希,棕色长发,胸部大,身材好,皮肤白,(smile:.4),硬阴影,单人,藤蔓, 让我们使用一些不寻常的东西:instagram 照片,19 岁的南希,棕色长发,胸部丰满,身材良好,皮肤苍白,(smile:.4),硬阴影,单人,液体,COLOR 连衣裙, 请记住,我所展示的一切只是示例。您可以使用任何模板。我不建议在一次生成中使用超过 3-4 个 LoRA。只要求 "礼服",我就看到了

使用 PornWorks AI 生成人工智能色情内容的初级指南

Beginner’s guide to generate Ai porn The modern world is developing at an incredible speed, and technology is not lagging behind. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our lives, infiltrating every aspect of our lives. One of the most exciting applications of AI is image generation. If you haven’t yet encountered image generation using neural networks, this guide will be a great place to start. But even if you’ve already taken your first steps or consider yourself a power user, this guide will help you deepen your knowledge and master the art of AI image generation using PornWorks AI We’ll cover what prompts and weights are, what models and loras (templates) are, and learn what each generation parameter is responsible for. In the end, you’ll be able to create unique and high-quality images that will impress you and the people you know. Let’s go! As you’ve already realized, we’re going to talk about the PW generator in today’s article. There are two versions on the site, the first and the second. Functionally they are almost no different, but the second version is more clear and more elaborate, so we will work with it. If you have the first version open, just click on this button at the top of the screen: Now that you have the second version open, we can start creating images! Porn AI Generator The generator uses the Stable Diffusion neural network. It allows you to use models and LoRA, unlike Midjourney or other generators, as well as more flexibly customize the generation parameters. The generator is divided into 4 components: Prompt Model Templates Settings We will not consider the “Characters” function in this article, but we will definitely touch upon it in the next ones. Let’s dwell on the others in more detail. Prompt Prompt – our text request. In this window we write what we want to see on the image.The neural network reads your request and creates an image based on it. There are a few rules that you should follow when creating our text query, this will help you achieve more accurate and creative results in your work: The generation goes from the first left word to the last right word. In turn, the further to the left a word is in the query, the more influence it has.Try to follow the following formula: “object > description of appearance and attributes > background, additional details“. Also use the following hints(and cheat sheets in the images below):Shooting angles / type of shot > close-upLighting > cinematic lightingArtistic Styles / Artist Style / Aesthetics > digital paintingColor scheme > bright colorsEnvironment > in the woodsQuality descriptors > best quality, masterpiece You can increase the weight of any word by putting it in brackets. So, its weight will increase by 10% and become 1,1. If you put it in double brackets, it will increase by 1.21 and so on. You can specify the exact weight in the format (any word:1.8). Now the construct any word has a weight of 1.8.I don’t recommend putting too large a value to avoid artifacts, about 0.5 to 2 is our range. If you are creating an anime style image, avoid the words “realistic”, “photography” and the like. This works the other way around as well. Working with anime models is also characterized by the following words “enhancers” in the prompt: masterpiece, best quality, and similar.Study the successful works of the community, and your generations will get better and better every time! We can talk about prompting for a long time, but these are the most basic rules you should know and use. Let’s try right now to create an image based on the prompts. Let’s use the following prompt: girl, looking away, (blonde hair), naked, medium breasts, cinematic lighting, digital painting, bright colors, forest, best quality, masterpiece The model will be Nude People (SDXL). These are the results: Add “fullbody” to the query: girl, fullbody, (blonde hair), naked, medium breasts, cinematic lighting, digital painting, bright colors, forest, best quality, masterpiece Of course, I had to experiment with the place of “fullbody” in the prompt. By experience I can say that full-body images turn out better in vertical resolution. Let’s try a slightly more complicated request: beautiful young girl, well-built, naked, brown hair, blue eyes, red lips, make up, nipples, manicure, charm, smiling, towel, onsen, night japan Not changed settings. Let’s change the color of the eyes and increase the size of the breasts a little bit: beautiful young girl, well-built, medium breasts, naked, brown hair, green eyes, red lips, make up, nipples, manicure, charm, smiling, towel, onsen, night japan I think we’re done with the prompt. Let’s move on. Models tab What is a model?Models are control files, which are pre-trained neural connections designed to generate images of a general or specific genre.Our past generations are based on the Nude People (SDXL) model. Now it is the most perfect model for realism and not only. But there are other models that are customized for other purposes. There are 15 models available on PornWorks right now.Try each one and find one close to your style! Let’s edit our last prompt a little bit and create anime style art. I’m using the Anime v2.5 model. The prompt is slightly different for each model. For example, in anime models we use “1girl, 1boy, 1woman, 1man” to describe gender instead of “girl or man”. Also for square resolution we use “solo” to get one girl in the image. And don’t forget about the quality descriptors at the beginning of the prompt: “masterpiece, best quality, high quality”. Yes, there is a problem with the fingers right now. But a little later I’ll give you tips on how to solve it.Let’s try the revAnime model: I think we’re clear on the models. Let’s move on. Templates tab What are LoRAs and what are they used for?LoRa’s can both make changes to the style of an image and help you create certain characters,

如何使用 PornWorks AI 创建主题女孩

If you’re into a specific type of aesthetic, the PornWorks AI tool can be used to create a girl around that theme to fulfill your wildest fantasies. All you need to do is a bit of prompt engineering and clever wording. In this specific guide, we’ll be showing you how to create a variety of images by using a cyberpunk world as our inspiration. Before generating your prompts, you need to be sure of what you’d like to create. If its cyberpunk, you need to think about what fits into that world. Cool neon lights, tight leather lingerie or clothing, and how you want the girl to look. For our prompts, Lucy from the Cyberpunk Edgerunners Anime was a good muse. However, we didn’t use any references to her in our prompts. We did this exercise to show the extreme potential of the PornWorks AI, even without a direct reference to draw inspiration from. Steps To Follow Using The Right Keywords Unlike most other scenarios, using the PornWorks AI tool without any reference is more of a trial and error affair. However, the uniqueness of your results will be more satisfying. If we want a Cyberpunk girl, it’s best to think of keywords that align, including the pose of your muse. For our first attempt, we chose the following keywords in our prompt: “an image of a sexy woman in a cyberpunk city, raining, best quality, masterpiece, finely detailed, Japanese features, HD, looking at camera, white hair” These were the results that were generated when using this prompt combined with a CFG of 15 and steps at 25. Next, if we want to make her look more refined and akin to Lucy from Cyberpunk, we can try using more prompts that relate to the image we have in our heads. Negative prompts can come in handy here. As an example, let’s say we want to generate an image of Lucy receiving a creampie with her legs spread out. In this situation, it’s best to use a list of good prompts that relate to the image. With Creampies, its best to let the Lora feature handle it to achieve a realistic result. Using Lora & Embeddings Here’s a list of the prompts we used to achieve the image below:  “an image of a sexy woman, cyberpunk, best quality, masterpiece, finely detailed, Japanese features, HD, looking at camera, white hair, pixie cut, legs spread open, creampie, beautiful pussy completely visible with spread labia, ultra high resolution, ultra-detailed, cum coming out of vagina, ” Here are some of the negative prompts provided in addition to the default negative prompts: “from the back, doggystyle, bent over” Anime 2.5 Another dynamic shot we did with this character is in an anime format. When a character has a cyberpunk design, it’s nice to imagine the more colorful expressions that can exist from the Anime 2.5 model. Here, we thought it would be interesting to see how it compares to the default model. Here are the results: The image above was created with a CFG of 13, and the only change in prompts was our use of a new model. This shows just how dynamic you can get with the PornWorks tool. AI generations are usually down to how creative you want to get. The Anime 2.5 generation has a more expressive face, and it also has a visual intensity that outmatches realism. If this is the type of art style you prefer in a cyberpunk setting, this model is worth considering. Here are some more anime designs we were able to generate. We’ll specify the prompts used accordingly: “an image of a sexy woman, cyberpunk, best quality, masterpiece, finely detailed, Japanese features, HD, looking at camera, white hair, pixie cut, ultra high resolution, ultra-detailed, creampie, view from the back, perfect body, cute pussy, very slim waist, pov camera, cum dripping, ” Here are other images centered on a cyberpunk theme while using Anime 2.5 and Realistic V3 for the Model: