
African, exaggerated, stylised, big eyes, slender, sharp jaw line, Disney character, fully nude, ((close-up, high detail, 21 years old, black skin, very dark skin, curly hair, tonal proportions, wearing light lemon transparent tunic, ((full-length, tits bare, pussy visible)), ((smile, dimples on cheeks)), sunset sky background), cheerful girl, asymmetrical pixie cut, hair strands longer on one side, bare pussy, (((no bottom)))), (((no panties))), tits, corset, stocking belt, colourful cape, gloves, gold necklace, brunette, redhead, vagina visible, cylinder hat, bracelets, (on her head a large silk turban with oriental patterns), silk turban with a long beautiful tropical bird feather, smile, dimpled cheeks, very tits, green eyes, breasts, c size breasts, miniature breasts, tattoo, pubic tattoo, bare breasts, bare vagina, steampunk, steampunk submarine, Jules Verne., Nautilus, large copper framed portholes, underwater colourful world, coral, sun rays through the water column, sea monsters behind porthole full size, bare tits, pussy visible, ((smile, dimples on cheeks)), coral reef background, jellyfish, octopus, beautiful Red Sea fish, seaweed, 2 cheerful naked girls. Translated with DeepL.com, (free version), 3DMM, <lora:3DMM_V12:.5>, anamr, <lora:AnaDeArmasV2Dogu:.5>


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