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The young woman sat in front of her computer, typing away at the keyboard. She was a professional writer and had just finished another story to be published by one of the world's most renowned writers. As she read over the words on the screen,


The young woman sat in front of her computer, typing away at her keyboard. She was a professional writer and had just finished another story to be published by one of the world's most renowned writers. She couldn't help but feel proud as she read over the words on the screen. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door and when she answered it, the man dressed in all black handed her a package. It was from her boss who thanked her for taking such good care of their writing project which made him so proud he could not wait to show it to her."I have something for you," he said with a smile. "This is from my boss." As she took the package, she couldn't help but wonder what it might be. Taking out what appeared to be a new picture frame, she gasped as she saw herself standing outside looking up into the sky while smiling brightly at whoever snapped this photo which would later become part of something great that now belonged solely to her; this

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