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The young girl with brown hair and big brown eyes walked down the street when she saw a man taking pictures of her naked body. She didn't think much of it at first, but as he continued to take photos, she realized that he was taking


The young girl with brown hair and big brown eyes walked down the street when she saw a man taking pictures of her naked body. She didn't think much of it at first, but as he continued to take photos, she realized that he was taking pictures of her naked body. She tried to cover herself up, but it was too late.The man took several photos of her breasts and buttocks. She felt violated and angry, but also curious about what he would do with the photos.After sending dozens of photos to him, he asked for more pictures. The girl refused but wondered if this was really happening or if it was just a sick joke. Eventually, the man sent dozens more photos and texts asking for one last picture before they went their separate ways.The young girl wasn't sure what to do next or who she could trust. Should she report the man to the authorities or keep quiet?

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