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The teenager sat at her computer, typing away and creating a masterpiece. As she moved around inside the screen, there was sound from the camera on her desk. Eventually, she ran out of pixels to display in her window and turned it off before grabbing


The teenager sat at her computer, typing away and creating a masterpiece. As she moved around inside the screen, her fingers clicked away at the keyboard. Occasionally, she would pause to think about what direction to take next. Eventually, she ran out of pixels to display in her window and turned it off before grabbing some photos from the camera on her desk. For a moment, there was silence except for the sound of tapping keys coming from the teenager's computer as she worked on creating portraits for clients' screens. Meanwhile, the young man with the camera stood outside her room's door and waited patiently for her to finish so he could get some shots that showcased her personality and style. He knew this opportunity would be great for him to show his skills as a photographer - bringing ideas to life through pictures never seen before by anyone else but still able to capture memories forever after they happened.

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