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on the lawn. One of them asked about the blonde's body, and she felt embarrassed when they asked if it was fully exposed to the gaze of passersby. She couldn't help but feel self-conscious about her own nude form in front

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The sun was shining brightly on the lawn, casting a warm glow over the lush green lawn. In the distance, a group of women could be seen lounging in the shade, their bodies glistening with sweat from a day of hard work. One of them was sitting on a lounge chair, her body fully exposed to the gaze of passersby. One of the women approached her and introduced themselves. They seemed to be friends since they were chatting and laughing among themselves as if nothing else mattered. As they chatted, another woman joined them and introduced herself as well. Suddenly, one of them asked about the blonde's body. The blonde felt embarrassed and wished she had worn more clothes than just a bikini top and shorts. She couldn't help but feel self-conscious about her own nude form in front of these strangers who were enjoying each other's company without any inhibitions or shame. As the afternoon wore on, the women continued to chat and laugh while lazing

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