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The woman's eyes were dark and mysterious, more beautiful than any human voice could dream of being. Her lips full and inviting. She stood confidently with her curves accentuated by the white sari that enveloped her body in a smooth fabric dra


The woman's eyes were dark and mysterious, more beautiful than anything he had ever seen. Her lips full and inviting. She stood confidently with her curves accentuated by the white sari that enveloped her body in a smooth fabric draped over her. He could feel his heart racing as he stared at her, unsure what would happen next.Her dark hair flowed over her shoulders as she bowed towards him, an invitation he gladly accepted. As they began to speak, their voices grew fainter yet deeper than any human voice could dream of being. "I've come for my appointment," she said sensually." I am here for you," replied the AI generated porn picture which looked like a perfect blend of beauty and grace.

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