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The woman was lying on a bed, bound by mechanical restraints. Her face was covered by a full body suit and her arms were held down by machine-generated pillows. As the machine began to move, it produced images of women with different


The woman was lying on a bed, bound by mechanical restraints. Her face was covered by a full body suit and her arms were held down by machine-generated pillows. As the machine began to move, it produced images of women with different body types and features, including those with large breasts and muscular bodies. The machine was programmed to stimulate the woman's body in various ways, stimulating her pleasure centers as she lay there.As the woman lay there in this state of excitation, she couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of excitement and anticipation for what awaited her in this virtual world. With each passing moment that passed, she could feel herself becoming more aroused and eager to explore further into this unknown realm of sexual bliss.

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