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The woman was in the shower, enjoying the warm water cascading down her body. She was wearing nothing but a towel and had just stepped out of the shower, ready for some action. That's when she heard a noise and turned around to see

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The woman was in the shower, enjoying the warm water cascading down her body. She was wearing nothing but a towel and had just stepped out of the shower, ready for some action. That's when she heard a noise and turned around to see an AI generated porn picture standing in front of her! The man had piercing blue eyes that sparkled with desire as he pressed his muscular body against hers. He was wearing nothing but a towel and his cock was fully erect and ready for action. The woman could feel the heat radiating off him as he kissed her passionately, his tongue exploring every inch of her mouth. Suddenly, he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close to him. His muscled thigh pressed between her legs as he began thrusting into her with powerful strokes. His hands roamed freely over her body, touching every inch of skin with an expert touch that sent shivers through her body. As their passion grew stronger, the man lifted her up onto

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