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The woman sat at her desk, staring at the screen with her hands on the keyboard. She had been working on this project for weeks and was determined to make it perfect. As she typed away, her mind wandered to the man who commissioned her to

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Plane of temptation


The woman sat at her desk, staring at the screen with her hands on the keyboard. She had been working on this project for weeks and was determined to make it perfect. As she typed away, her mind wandered to the man who had inspired her. He was a wealthy businessman who commissioned her to create a piece of art that would be displayed in his private gallery.She had spent countless hours researching and sketching out ideas, but nothing seemed good enough. That is until she stumbled upon an AI-generated porn picture that caught her eye.The woman had never seen anything like it before - it was 8k high definition, and the colors were so vivid that they almost seemed real. She knew she had to have it, no matter what the cost.So she contacted the artist and made arrangements to purchase the image. It was a risky move, but she knew that this would be her ticket to success.As soon as the payment cleared, everything fell into place and she began work with ease

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