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erect. Her hands were on her hips as she stared at the camera with a mixture of surprise and anger. The woman's face contorted into a mix of surprise and anger as she realized that someone had taken a picture of her without her consent.


The woman in the shower was a petite blonde with beautiful thick hair and angry eyes. She was wearing an unbuttoned white collared shirt that revealed her nipples, which were hard and erect. Her hands were on her hips as she stared at the camera with a mixture of surprise and anger.The woman's mouth was open in surprise, but it quickly turned into a smile as she realized that she had been caught by the camera. She looked around the bathroom, trying to find something to cover herself up with, but there was nothing within reach.The woman's face contorted into a mix of surprise and anger as she realized that someone had taken a picture of her without her consent. She quickly grabbed a towel and wrapped it around herself, trying to cover up her exposed body. Translation: The woman in the shower was a petite blonde with beautiful hair and angry eyes. She was wearing an unbuttoned white collared shirt that revealed her nipples, which were hard and

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