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The woman drove her droptop around town, letting the wind blow through her hair as she thought about what she could do. She had a secret stash of porn pictures hidden in the glove compartment, and couldn't wait to get home and show them

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The woman drove her droptop around town, letting the wind blow through her hair as she thought about what she could do. She had a secret stash of porn pictures hidden in the glove compartment, and couldn't wait to get home and show them to her husband.As she made her way home, she felt her breasts bounce with every turn of the wheel. Her husband was already asleep, snoring softly in the passenger seat while she thought about how much better life would be if she could just have some fun without worrying about getting caught.When she finally arrived at home, she parked her car and made her way inside. The house was dark and quiet, but she whispered into her husband's ear:"I've got something for you."She crawled into bed beside him, feeling his warm body against hers as they enjoyed themselves together. When he finally woke up, he looked at her with sleepy eyes before realizing what was happening.

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