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The two heroin addicts, a skinny and messy-haired woman with tattoos on her arms and a dirty old man with tattered clothing sitting together in the corner of their dirty basement. With a table full of old dishes in the corner,


The two heroin addicts, a skinny and messy-haired woman with tattoos on her arms, and a dirty old man with tattoos on his arms sitting on the dirty floor of their dirty basement. With a table full of old dishes in the corner, it was obvious that they had been using drugs for years, but the woman felt ashamed to admit it. The room was covered in grime and clutter, with empty liquor bottles scattered around. Upstairs there were sounds of people talking and laughing - evidence of life in the apartment above. As they sat together, both knew what needed to be done – that only assistance from others could help break the cycle. The woman took a needle from underneath her clothing and put it back into its hiding place as she reached for clean needles from under the table. The man looked at her gratefully, knowing that she would never have been able to do this alone. He leaned back against the wall to watch and offer support as she cleaned

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