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and there that she needed to find out what was happening to these women. She started asking around, trying to figure out if anyone else had noticed this strange phenomenon. As it turned out, there was a new designer clothing store that had just opened

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It was a bright and sunny afternoon in the city, and three women were shopping for clothes in the mall. Suddenly, they noticed something strange happening to themselves. Their hair seemed to be sticking up straighter than usual, their tight clothing clung tightly to their bodies, and they felt an intense sensation between their legs that left them panting with desire. As they continued to walk among the shops, they couldn't help but notice other people's reactions... everyone had become aroused in some way or another! Suddenly, one woman stopped dead in her tracks and stared at another woman who happened to be wearing a miniskirt that had come down quite low on her hips. "Look at that outfit!" she exclaimed. "It looks like it was designed just for you." The other woman glanced down at herself and realized that she was indeed wearing a skirt that hugged her curves perfectly, exposing everything from the sides of her thighs all the way up to just below her sternum. She decided then

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