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the teacher smile with satisfaction.

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The teacher smiled as she looked at the class of students in front of her. She was a European woman with perfect body and medium breast size. Her blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders, and her blue eyes sparkled with intelligence. She was a master of the classroom, and her students loved her for it.As she began to teach, the students were captivated by her every word. They couldn't help but stare at her perfection. She had a special gift for teaching, and they knew that they had just received more than an education from her instructional approach.She was a master of the classroom -- able to engage each student in a way that no other teacher could -- and they knew it. As he stood there taking notes, the student leaned in close to listen to what she had to say. He couldn't resist asking questions after learning something so fascinating about their lessons.The smile on his face told her how much he enjoyed learning from her; his eagerness to hear more made

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