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the woman's body being stretched and contorted in ways she never thought possible, but she also felt a deep sense of excitement and anticipation.

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The 25-year-old woman was lying on the bed, her body restrained by mechanical restraints. She was wearing a full body view bondage suit, which allowed her to move only her head and hands.The machine in front of her was a state-of-the-art AI-generated porn picture generator. It had been programmed to generate images of women with different body types and features, including those with large breasts and muscular bodies.As the woman lay there, she couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. She knew that this was just the beginning of a long and fulfilling journey into the world of bondage and mechanical restraints.The machine began to move, slowly at first but gradually picking up speed as it worked its way through the different stages of bondage. The woman felt her body being stretched and contorted in ways she never thought possible, but she also felt a deep sense of pleasure as she surrendered herself to the machine's control.She could feel

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