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The small body of the anthropomorphic animal was bruised and battered, with flat boy chest and small waist, with a flatchest that was barely visible. The bunny had very skinny legs and a small waist, with a flat chest that was barely


The small body of the anthropomorphic animal was bruised and battered, with flat boy chest and flatchest. The bunny had very skinny legs and a small waist, with a flat chest that was barely visible. The fur on its body was thin and sparse, revealing the blush on the cheeks. The eyes were closed, indicating that the bunny was asleep or unconscious. The text continued to describe how the bunny's body was beaten and bruised, with small cuts and scrapes all over its skin. The fur on its body was matted and dirty, indicating that it had been neglected for some time. As the story progressed, it became clear that this bunny needed help. The text ended with a plea for help from anyone who could see the cruelty being inflicted on this poor creature. It urged readers to speak up if they knew of any abuse or mistreatment of animals in their community or elsewhere. Anyone who witnessed abuse should report it immediately to local authorities and seek

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