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experiencing an intense sexual attraction. The protagonist couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to have the man's hands on her body, exploring every inch of her skin. Without words, they both knew what was happening between them - they were both


The protagonist, a busty woman with thick thighs and big ass, was sitting in the sauna. She had been feeling horny all day and decided to take matters into her own hands. She grabbed her own breast and squeezed them, imagining what it would feel like to have someone else's hand on them. As she continued to play with herself, she couldn't help but imagine a man's hands on her body. She imagined him touching her all over, exploring every inch of her skin. Suddenly, the door to the sauna opened and a man walked in. He was tall and muscular, with dark hair and piercing blue eyes. The protagonist felt a sudden rush of excitement as she realized that he was checking her out too. Without saying a word, the man sat down next to her and began rubbing his own thigh against hers. His fingers slid across her skin, sending shivers up her spine. Without words, they both knew what was happening between them - they were

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