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The young adult girl held the assault rifle in her hands, feeling its weight. She knew that it was not something to be taken lightly. It was a powerful tool, nothing more than a weapon. With just a flick of her finger, she could


The young adult girl held the assault rifle in her hands, feeling the weight of it in her palms. She had always been fascinated by guns and their power, but she never thought she would actually hold one in her hands.She knew that as a responsible adult, she should not be wielding this weapon with careless thoughts to others' lives. With just a flick of her finger, she could end someone's life with a single pull of the trigger. But as much as she enjoyed wielding this weapon, she also knew that it was not something to be taken lightly. It was a tool, nothing more, and should be used only for self-defense or protection. With a deep breath, the young adult girl put down the assault rifle and walked away from it. She knew there were other ways to protect herself and those around her without resorting to violence.

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