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A 25-year-old woman was lying on the bed, her body covered with a latex suit that hugged her curves and accentuated her curves. Her face was hidden by a mechanical mask, leaving only her eyes visible. The machine in the room


A 25-year-old woman was lying on the bed, her body restrained by mechanical restraints. She wore a latex suit that hugged her curves and accentuated her curves. Her face was covered with a latex mask, leaving only her eyes visible. The machine in the room hummed softly as it worked to create the perfect image of the woman's body. It was a complex process, but one that had been perfected over time. The machine could create any type of image, from realistic to abstract, and it was used extensively in the adult entertainment industry. As it worked, the woman's body continued to change. Her muscles tensed and relaxed as they were moved into different positions by the mechanism. Her skin became smoother and more supple as if she was being stretched over her bones. The machine continued to work for hours until finally when it finished, it stepped back and admired its handiwork. The woman lay there motionless, her transformation complete.

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