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Why did you get into an argument with one of the nobles visiting the castle?


The medieval castle was magnificent, with its high walls and grand architecture. As the sun began to set, it cast a warm orange glow over the landscape. One girl stood in its courtyard, her hands clasped behind her back, feeling caught between embarrassment and curiosity. She had been caught in an embarrassing situation earlier that day: she had gotten into an argument with one of the nobles visiting the castle.His piercing blue eyes seemed to pierce right through her as he spoke, making her feel uncomfortable and ashamed. His long black coat flowed behind him as he approached, his footsteps echoing on the ground beneath him.She couldn't help but let loose some of her irritation at him as he approached. "Why are you here?" she asked irritably, glaring up at him."I'm simply passing through," he responded nonchalantly. "But I do have a question for you."He leaned in close to her ear, his breath tickling her skin as he whispered into it:

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