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Emily takes a deep breath and clicks on the image. The results open up her laptop and she clicks on the picture with cumshot on her face. As she looks at the picture, she can't help but feel a little self-conscious about her


The story begins with a young girl named Emily, standing in front of a mirror. She has long, straight hair and smooth, clear skin. Her green eyes sparkle under the sunlight as she watches herself closely, admiring her curves. Emily opens up her laptop and looks for pictures of girls with cumshot on their faces. She finds several images that look promising and clicks one into view. The image is of a girl with long black hair and dark eyes wearing a bikini top and string bikini bottoms. As Emily takes another deep breath and clicks on the image, her heart races as she waits to see what the results will be. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, the results load onto the screen: A perfect cumshot picture of the girl from the bikini photo. Emily can't help but feel a little self-conscious about her body as she looks at the picture - it's not quite what she was looking for - but she decides to take things one step forward anyway

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