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grabs her face and shoves it down his pants. He rubs against her face and makes her lick the dildo clean, then he shoves it into her mouth until she gags on it. The girl cries as she is forced to

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The story is about an attractive 25-year-old French girl who was captured by a strong man and put in a dungeon prison. She has a collar around her neck with a leash attached to it, and she has a stainless steel hand that he rubs against her face as he tells her how much he wants to fuck her. He also takes out a dildo from his pants and shoves it into the girl's mouth, forcing himself on her.The man who captures the beautiful woman is very handsome and he has a massive erection that he rubs against the girl's face until she cries. He then takes out a dildo from his pants and shoves it down her throat, forcing it down her face until she gags on it. The girl tries to resist, but the man is too strong for her. He forces himself on her, rubbing his cock against her face and making her lick it clean. Finally, he takes out a massive stainless steel hand and

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