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The futanari stood in front of their creator, the woman's hands moving over their skin smoothly and confidently. As they focused on each woman's body, she created intricate patterns and designs that would bring comfort and trust to their lives. Finally

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The woman took a deep breath and closed her eyes, gently focusing on the task at hand. She felt her hands move over their skin smoothly and confidently, creating intricate patterns and designs that would bring them to life. As she worked, her hands moved fluidly over each woman's body, molding and shaping them into something beautiful. The futanari stood still as the woman worked, allowing herself to be shaped by the woman's practiced fingers. Each movement of the woman's hands brought comfort and trust to the three women standing before her. Finally, after what seemed like hours but was only minutes, the woman opened her eyes and stepped back from them. She looked over their bodies with a sense of pride and love, admiring her work. They were perfect in every way, just as she had envisioned them. As they stood there in front of their creator, each woman knew that she was unique and special - something special that could never be replicated or replaced. And they

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