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The elderly woman was sitting on the couch, her eyes closed and her hands resting on her lap. Suddenly, she felt a warm sensation on her thigh as he began to pleasure her in front of his eyes. She let out a sigh of pleasure as


The elderly woman was sitting on the couch, her eyes closed and her hands resting on her lap. Suddenly, she felt a warm sensation on her thigh as he began to stroke his cock with one hand while using the other to fondle her breasts. She could feel his hot breath on her skin as he moved closer and closer to her pussy.Suddenly, she felt a warm sensation on her thigh as he began to pleasure her in front of her eyes. She let out a moan of pleasure as he licked at it, tasting every inch of her wetness. His tongue slid up and down her slit with ease, making circles around it before dipping into the depths of it, causing more jolts of pleasure to course through her body. As he continued to suck and lick at her clit, she could feel his hot breath blowing against it, sending shivers down her spine. Her legs shook with anticipation as she waited for him to move lower towards that special place inside."

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