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The American girl and French 1girl stood in front of the bathroom door, curious to see what was going on inside. They had heard a loud noise coming from inside and were curious as to what it was. As they approached the door, they could

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The American girl and French 1girl walked down the hallway of their college dormitory, discussing their classes. Without warning, they heard a loud noise coming from the direction of the bathroom. Curious, they decided to investigate. As they approached the door, they could hear the sound of someone moaning and grunting inside. They slowly pushed open the door and were greeted by a shocking sight. In front of them stood a tall, muscular American girl with exceptionally long legs wearing platform high heels walking down the hallway with a shaved pussy. She had a huge erection that was hanging out in front of her, full length, topless, polaroid futanari 180 reviews being rubbed by one hand while using the other to rub her own clit. The French 1girl was also standing next to her, also naked and rubbing her own pussy through her tight jeans. She looked at them curiously for a moment before joining in on their exploration.

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