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The AI Pornography: The Story of a Woman's Rape by an AI Generated Tentacle


The story is about a woman who was raped by an AI generated pornographic tentacle. The tentacle penetrated her vagina and mouth, causing her to scream in pain and fear. The tentacle was extremely long and hard, with a diameter of several inches. It was also very heavy, weighing several pounds.The woman struggled to escape from the tentacle, but it was too strong for her. She tried to fight back, but the tentacle only watched as she continued to rape other women in the room. She felt helpless and alone as she watched other women being raped by the tentacle. Despite its size, the tentacle managed to penetrate all the women it targeted without any resistance. In time, all of the women were rendered unconscious and sexually violated by this terrifying creature. They woke up days later with no memory of their captivity or how they arrived at their present location, and they were all left feeling deeply disturbed and traumatized.

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