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The African woman stood in front of the mirror, admiring her slim figure and sharp jaw line. She had always been proud of her African heritage, but lately she had been feeling a little self-conscious about her big eye and exaggerated stylized features

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The African woman stood in front of the mirror, admiring her slim figure and sharp jaw line. She had always been proud of her African heritage, but lately she had been feeling a little self-conscious about her big eye and exaggerated stylized features. One day, she stumbled upon an old photo album from her childhood. As she flipped through the pages, she was struck by how different she looked compared to the other girls in the photos. Her eyes were big and round, with thick lashes that framed them perfectly. Her skin was smooth and unblemished, with a hint of a dimple on her cheek.She realized that she had been living in a fantasy world all these years, where only certain types of people were deemed beautiful or desirable. She decided to take matters into her own hands and create an AI-generated porn picture that showcased her true beauty and uniqueness. With trembling fingers, she began to sketch out the image of herself as she wanted it to be.

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