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The heroin addict stumbled down the street, clutching their stomach and groaning in pain. They had been using drugs for years but were a shell of their former self. Tonight was different though; they knew that they couldn't handle any more pain.


The heroin addict wheezed and struggled to stand as they walked down the street, clutching their stomach and groaning in pain. They had been using drugs for years and were a shell of their former self. Tonight was different though; they knew that they couldn't handle any more pain. As they stumbled down the street, stumbling into various groups of people dressed up in all sorts of costumes, laughing and joking around like nothing was wrong in the world. But one thing stood out - a group of young men who looked at them with pity but didn't seem interested in helping them out. "Hey lady," one shouted, "you look like you could use some help."The addict felt a pang of longing in their chest as if something was forgotten but quickly shook it away. They wanted recognition, but not like this. The addict groaned as they looked up at the group standing nearby, then stumbled back towards the alleyway where they were headed before.

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