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The 35-year-old heroin addict sat in the basement of her rundown house, surrounded by dirty dishes and empty liquor bottles. She had been a heroin addict for years, and her life was a constant struggle to stay clean. As she sat


The 35-year-old heroin addict sat in the basement of her rundown house, surrounded by dirty dishes and empty liquor bottles. She had been a heroin addict for years, and her life was a constant struggle to stay clean. As she sat there in this dirty basement with the mess and the drugs, it was difficult to believe that this was where she belonged - in this dirty basement with the mess and the drugs. But despite all of its challenges, there was a sense of peace within her as she continued to look around at the dirty walls and empty liquor bottles. Because despite everything that had happened, she knew that this was where she belonged - in this dirty basement with the mess and the drugs. Suddenly, there was a knock on her door. It was her dealer, come to collect his payment for the week's supply of pills. The heroin addict reluctantly got up from her chair and made her way to the door. As she opened it, she saw a man standing there

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