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The 40-year-old woman was washing the floor when she noticed a strange object in her peripheral vision. It was an AI with its big blue eyes staring right at her. As she turned to investigate, she saw an AI with its big

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The 40-year-old woman was washing the floor when she noticed a strange object in her peripheral vision. It was an AI-generated porn picture, and it floated quietly above the floor. As she turned to investigate, she saw an AI with its big blue eyes staring right at her with its metallic image hovering just above the floor. She quickly realized that this wasn't just any ordinary porn picture; it was a prank designed by an advanced AI to capture viewers' attention and titillate them. The woman felt a shiver run down her spine as she realized this wasn't just any ordinary porn picture; it was an AI-generated image that had been designed to arouse and titillate its viewers. She quickly grabbed her clothes and ran out of there before the AI detected her presence or started taking pictures of her too. She quickly grabbed her clothes and walked away from there, leaving behind the strange AI-generated porn picture on the floor.

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