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The nurse, with her seductive smile and huge tits, stood in the hospital bed clad in a tight-fitting dress. She was a beauty, with long blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. The patient lay on the bed, his eyes


The nurse, with her seductive smile and huge tits, stood in the hospital bed clad in a tight-fitting dress. She was a beauty, with long blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. The patient lay on the bed, his eyes focused on her luscious curves as she approached him. Straddling him, she leaned over him and began to stroke his cock with her wet pussy. She moaned with pleasure as he fucked into her tight hole. Her hands were soft against his skin, and every touch sent waves of pleasure through him. The nurse continued to tease him until he could take no more. Then she climbed onto the bed and straddled him, positioning herself over his throbbing shaft. Holding his gaze, she sank down onto it slowly, feeling every inch of its length filling her up completely. As they made love beneath the sheets of the hospital bed, their bodies moved together in perfect harmony - each movement sending sparks flying through their

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