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finishes her work and takes a drink of water. She realizes that the aphrodisiac chemicals in the milk have left her feeling aroused and unable to focus on anything else but her sexual desires. Mika tries to ignore these feelings, but

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The story begins with a young girl named Mika working at a milk factory. She is wearing a white shirt and skirt, and her hair is tied up in a bun. She is sweating profusely as she works on the machines, but she loves her job. One day, while working on the machines, Mika notices something strange. There are bottles of milk lying around the factory floor. She picks one up and takes a sip, and to her surprise, it tastes delicious!Mika decides to take some milk home with her for dinner that night. As she drinks it, she starts to feel strange. Her body feels warm and tingly, and she starts to sweat profusely. Mika realizes that the milk has been laced with aphrodisiac chemicals! She quickly finishes her drink and tries to rid herself of these feelings by taking deep breaths and focusing on work-related tasks. However, the persistent aching between her legs persists even after she

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