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creating his own pornographic content. Intrigued by the project's realistic nature, Jack decides to give it a try. As soon as he starts filming himself in various positions and scenarios, Jack feels something stirring within him. He becomes so aroused


The story is about a young man who feels like he is meant to create his own pornographic content. He struggles to find direction and believes that only through experimenting with new technology can he discover his purpose. One day, while browsing online for more information on AI technology, he discovers a video featuring groups of men fucking multiple women at once. Intrigued by the project's realism, Jack decides to give it a try. As soon as he starts watching, Jack feels something stirring within him. He becomes so aroused that he begins filming himself in various positions and scenarios, trying out different angles and techniques. Soon, Jack finds himself unable to stop watching the videos over and over again. One day, while scrolling through social media, Jack comes across a post about a new AI-generated porn video app. Excited by the prospect of creating his own content with this revolutionary technology, Jack quickly downloads the app and gets started creating his first video scene. He spends hours watching tutorials and

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