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The 25-year-old woman was bound and gagged, her body covered in sweat as she struggled against the bonds that held her in place. She was completely naked, except for a dildo that had been inserted into her pussy. Her body


The 25-year-old woman was bound and gagged, her body covered in sweat as she struggled against the bonds that held her in place. She was completely naked, except for a dildo that had been inserted into her pussy. Her body was covered in sweat as she struggled against the bonds that held her in place.Suddenly, the door to the room opened and a man walked in. He was dressed in full body suit made of black leather, with a mask covering his face. He walked over to the woman and removed the dildo from her pussy with a wet sucking sound. He then placed it on the table next to him and began to stroke his cock with mechanical restraintsThe woman watched in horror as he began to masturbate, his cock glistening with precum. She knew what was coming next - he was going to fuck her with his dick

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