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Once upon a time, there was a young girl who loved luxury and spending money. She had an expensive car and wore expensive clothes, always looking very cute with symmetrical features. One day, the wealthy businessman noticed her and asked her to act as


Once upon a time, there was a young girl who loved luxury and spending money. She had an expensive car and wore expensive clothes, always looking perfect for photoshoots. One day, the wealthy businessman noticed her and asked her to act as his model. In the beginning, she was hesitant but accepted because she wanted to earn more money. Soon, he gave her assignments such as photo shoots with her tongue out and poses where she looked very cute with symmetrical features. The young girl enjoyed these assignments and became famous for her beauty and willingness to pose. As time went on, the businessman offered her more jobs that required more attention, posing in different positions with luxurious clothing and jewelry adorning her neck and wrists. He soon became one of her favorite models, paid well for each shoot. Her new job turned into a passion for being in front of the camera, showcasing how beautiful she is on the inside too!

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