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The woman with silver hair and blue eyes is being forced to have sex with a tentacle monster. The tentacles are long and slender, made of bioluminescent tentacle, and they penetrate every inch of her body. She struggles to escape


There is a woman with silver hair and blue eyes who is being forced to have sex with a tentacle monster. The tentacles are long and slender, made of bioluminescent tentacle, and they penetrate every inch of her body. She struggles to escape but the tentacles are too strong. Suddenly, she feels pleasure as the tentacles fill her up completely. The tentacles continue to penetrate deeper into her body until they reach her deepest point where they reach her most sensitive spot - an ultra-sensitive region inside her clitoris that has been designed for maximum pleasure. As the tentacles penetrate deep inside, she experiences an intense orgasm that leaves her breathless and weakened by its intensity. When she wakes up, she finds herself in a strange room with glowing silver tentacles covering every inch of it.

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