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The girl with Anorexia watched her body slowly waste away. She was so thin she could see her bones, and her skin looked like a skeleton. Her best friend knew that this wasn't healthy, but didn't know what to do. One

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The girl with Anorexia watched her body slowly waste away. She was so thin she could see her bones, and her skin looked like a skeleton. Her best friend knew this wasn't healthy, but didn't know what to do. One day, the girl's friend stumbled upon an AI generated porn picture of a thin ultra-detailed model with highres detail. It was the first time she had seen anything like it, and it sparked something inside of her. She knew that this could be the solution to her problem. She showed the picture to the girl who was skeptical at first, but eventually agreed to try it out. The girl downloaded the image onto her phone and began using it as a wallpaper on her phone. At first, she wasn't sure if it would work or not, but after a few days of using it every day, she noticed a difference in her appearance. Her friends began sharing their own experiences with others they knew dealing with issues related to dietary restrictions

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