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A vibrant Canadian sportswoman, her muscular shoulders flexed and a wide smile lighting up her face, as she stands proudly in front of a red and white maple leaf backdrop. Her busty figure is accentuated by a form-fitting athletic top that bears the emblem of the Canadian national sports team. She holds a gold medal in one hand, which gleams against her tanned skin, and a lacrosse stick in the other, ready for action. Her hair is pulled back into a sleek ponytail, revealing a set of piercing blue eyes that mirror the determination and passion she has for the sport. The woman's toned abs and arms are evidence of her rigorous training regimen, and her legs are poised in a stance that suggests she could sprint or leap into the game at any moment. The background is filled with the energy of an arena, with cheering fans and a scoreboard displaying a recent victory. The colors of the Canadian flag are scattered throughout the scene, reinforcing her strong national pride. She stands tall in her athletic shoes, which have a slight dusting of field turf, hinting at the intense match that has just concluded. The lighting casts a soft glow on her, emphasizing the sheen of sweat on her forehead and the definition of her muscles. The overall composition celebrates her triumph, her athleticism, and the spirit of Canadian sportsmanship, (hairy:1.5), armpits, <lora:HAv2.0beta1:.5>


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