
Generate, (point-of-view:1.5), a sensual nude image centered around the buxom naked young miller's exceptionally attractive with big breasts and wide hips and narrow waist and exuding an alluring and voluptuous physique that radiates warmth and sensuality. Her braided, lustrous hair cascades gracefully down her shoulders, enhancing her captivating presence. Hairy pubic Her eyes are a striking and inviting feature, drawing viewers into her gaze with their soft, welcoming warmth. Long, dark eyelashes frame her eyes, emphasizing their captivating allure. Her face boasts delicate proportions, featuring a gentle blush on her cheeks, a nose, and high cheekbones. Her plump lips are full and inviting, often curved into a warm and welcoming smile. Her skin is smooth and gloosy. Her clothes are on the ground next to her feet. The scene is set around a medieval mill courtyard, a charming and rustic wooden structure nestled in a tranquil forest. The mill's wooden structure enhances the rustic ambiance of the scene, and its waterwheel turns gently The nude buxom girl is positioned near the mill courtyard, engrossed in various house chores that connect her to the daily rhythm of country life. She may be seen This image captures a timeless moment in the naked miller's life as she goes about her daily chores, embodying the beauty of rural life and the harmony between humanity, the mill, and the natural environment., <lora:sxz-slavic-fantasy:.5>, <lora:add_detail:.5>, <lora:hairdetailer:.5>


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