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Age 20, Nastya, European appearance Round face, arched oily eyebrows, natural eyelashes, round eyes, potato nose, large mouth, large full lips, dimples on cheeks, mole above the upper lip from the left, square cheekbones, dimple on the chin, red-haired, during the walk Nastya was on a walk with her boyfriend when they noticed a cozy place under a tree. They decided to stop and enjoy the beautiful nature. But soon they were seduced by another passion, the passion for sex. They started kissing and caressing each other, passionately hugging and exposing themselves. Nastya moaned with pleasure when her boyfriend caressed her breasts and clitoris. She kissed him back and clung to him more and more. When the passion reached its limit, they lay down on the grass and began to have sex. Nastya moaned louder and moved in time with her boyfriend's movements. They reached orgasm together, hugging and kissing. After that, they continued their walk, enjoying each other and the surrounding beauty. For Nastya and her boyfriend, it was an unforgettable and romantic outdoor sex session., slg, grass, path, river, waterfall, forest, <lora:slg_v30:.5>, suspended, congress, vaginal, anal, ass, grab, leg, lock, breast, press, straddling, arms, around, neck, lifting, person, <lora:SuspendedCongressMS:.5>, standing, hug, <lora:standingkiss:.5>, kiss, french, tongue, <lora:KISSING_V1:.5>, edgOrgasm, face, focus, woman, with, edgOrgasm_face, <lora:edgOrgasm_v2:.5>


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