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Two naked Indian supermodels stand on a stage, the air thick with anticipation and the scent of expensive cologne. The stage is set for a high-stakes sex auction, and the podium is the centerpiece. The first supermodel, with her long, straightened hair cascading down her back like a waterfall of midnight silk, stands with her hands tied behind her back with a velvet rope. Leather cuffs adorn her wrists, secured to the podium with thick, metal chains, emphasizing her captivity. The word "SLUT" is written across her breasts in bold, red lipstick, the letters stark against her skin. Her eyes are cast down in shame, her long, dark lashes creating shadows on her cheeks. Her makeup is dramatic, with smoky eyes and bold red lips that match the lettering on her chest, adding to the erotic and humiliating atmosphere. The second supermodel, equally stunning, stands beside her with her hands similarly bound. Her hair, also long and straightened, falls in a sleek curtain down her back, reaching almost to her knees. She wears matching leather cuffs, the word "SLUT" written across her breasts in the same bold, red lipstick. Her eyes are also cast down, her expression a mix of shame and submission. The podium is elevated, allowing the men sitting below to get a clear view of the supermodels' naked bodies. The men are dressed in expensive suits, their eyes gleaming with lust and anticipation as they appraise the women on display. The room is filled with the sound of murmured conversations and the clinking of glasses, creating an atmosphere of decadence and desire. The supermodels stand with their shoulders slightly hunched, their bodies tense with the knowledge of their humiliating position. Their long, straight hair is the focal point, cascading down their backs like liquid silk, contrasting with the stark lettering on their breasts. The velvet ropes binding their hands are tight, causing their shoulders to be pulled back slightly, accentuating their curvaceous figures. The auctioneer, a stern-looking man in a tailored suit, stands to the side, his voice booming as he describes the supermodels' attributes to the eager audience. The supermodels remain still, their eyes cast down, their bodies on display for the highest bidder. The atmosphere is charged with erotic tension, the combination of their humiliating poses, the stark lettering on their breasts, and their long, straight hair creating a powerful and arousing spectacle. , <lora:Nipples XL:.8>


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