Nuestro nuevo modelo XL de generación de imágenes: ¡Real Porn!

Our new own XL model for image generation! Meet Real Porn! This is the best model for image generation. And it’s already available on PornWorks AI! The main features are simple prompts and high-quality porn. Just the way we like it. The model also has great details, just take a look! Real Porn is only available on PornWorks for now, but will soon be available on CivitAI for anyone to download. Share your hot creations on Real Porn in our community! If youre already tested it, let our know your impressions! Have fun generating! Best regards, The PornWorks AI Team 💕
LoRA o plantillas: guía detallada con ejemplos

LoRA o plantillas: una guía detallada con ejemplos ¡Hola! En este artículo repasaremos qué son los modelos LoRA (o plantillas), por qué son necesarios y cómo utilizarlos.Si te perdiste la guía introductoria sobre el generador de IA PornWorks, te recomiendo encarecidamente que la leas. ¿Qué es LoRA? Plantillas (LoRa) - son pequeñas adiciones que se añaden encima de los modelos. Puedes pensar en ellas como una pequeña versión de los modelos personalizados. Salvo que no pueden utilizarse solos y tienes que elegir y adaptar el modelo adecuado para ti. Los LoRa pueden tanto modificar el estilo de una imagen como ayudarte a crear determinados personajes.Si te has quedado sin ideas, echa un vistazo a CivitAI (un sitio con todo tipo de LoRA) o a nuestro Discord, donde publicamos varios modelos útiles que están disponibles en PW. PW tiene casi todos los modelos de CivitAI cuyo uso no está prohibido. Se suben con el tiempo, así que si no tienes el modelo que quieres en el sitio y fue lanzado recientemente, ten paciencia, debería ser subido a nuestro generador pronto. Importante:Hay modelos SD 1.5 y el modelo Nude People(SDXL) en PornWorks AI. Tienen arquitecturas completamente diferentes, así que ten en cuenta que no podrás añadir LoRA para la versión 1.5 a la generación en el modelo SDXL. Cuando selecciona un modelo concreto en PW, sólo se le muestran las plantillas adecuadas para su arquitectura. ¿Qué tipos de LoRA existen? Existen plantillas completamente diferentes y, a todos los efectos, las más comunes son: LoRAs estilísticas Como su nombre indica, son plantillas que le ayudan a conseguir un estilo específico en una imagen, desde algún estilo de arte (como acuarela) hasta estilos de sujetos específicos (como estilos de fuego/hielo/neón). Es más fácil mostrarlo con ejemplos. Vamos a generar algo sobre Gente desnuda Modelo: foto de instagram, foto de Mary pelirroja de 19 años, pechos medianos, pezones, bajo el agua, desnudez, desnudo, vagina, coño, solo Para añadir una LoRA, tienes que seleccionarla en la pestaña "Plantillas" y hacer clic en "Añadir" Las LoRAs en el prompt son las siguientes: Cuando se añade una LoRA a una solicitud PW, el valor por defecto de su peso es 0,5. Las palabras desencadenantes también se añaden a algunos patrones. Se añaden automáticamente a la consulta. Añadamos Neon UV Lora a esta consulta con el peso por defecto: instagram photo, photo of 19 y.o redhead Mary, medium breasts, nipples, under water, nudity, naked, vagina, pussy, solo, PENeonUV, blacklight, neon, Incluso con el peso 0.5, se puede ver la diferencia a simple vista: la imagen es más oscura y ligeramente más saturada Aumentemos el peso a 0.7: Como ya se ha dado cuenta, los LoRA estilísticos en su mayor parte no afectan a la esencia de la imagen, sino a su diseño. Comparemos las tres imágenes: Otro ejemplo con la misma plantilla: foto de Chloe rubia de 19 años, cuerpo entero, cara bonita, pechos grandes, pelo largo, pezones, solo, sonrisa ligera foto de Chloe de 19 años, cuerpo entero, cara bonita, pechos grandes, pelo largo, solo, sonrisa ligera, PENeonUV, luz negra, neón, Aquí es más obvio. Sigamos adelante. Probemos con otro LoRA Start prompt: photo of 19 y.o blonde Chloe, large breasts, long hair, nipples, solo, light smile photo of 19 y.o blonde Chloe, large breasts, long hair, nipples, solo, light smile, fire, element, composed, of, elements, Un pequeño consejo: no tengas miedo de jugar con el peso del LoRA. Si no ves el resultado de la plantilla en la imagen, aumenta el peso. Pero no ponga pesos superiores a 3, de lo contrario obtendrá generaciones de baja calidad. Yo subí el peso a 2. Veamos el resultado y comparemos. Y otro LoRA para ilustrar el punto. Misma consulta, sólo que añadiendo una plantilla: foto de Chloe de 19 años, cuerpo entero, cara bonita, pechos grandes, pelo largo, pezones, solo, sonrisa ligera ral-dissolve, ice, Creo que con ésta está claro. Pasemos a la siguiente categoría. LoRAs para diferentes poses Por desgracia, las redes neuronales aún no pueden reflejar todo lo que podemos imaginar. Posar es probablemente el uso más común de LoRA. Inicio: foto de instagram, Nancy 19 años, pechos grandes, escote, albornoz, buena constitución, piel pálida, (sonrisa:.4), sombras duras, solo, bosque nevado de noche, vapor Hagamos que se desabroche la bata y nos enseñe la mejor parte. Lo haremos con la ayuda de LoRA ShirtspreadHay plantillas similares para distintos tipos de ropa (falda, camiseta, etc.) en las capturas de pantalla. instagram photo, 19 y.o. Nancy, long brown hair, large breasts, cleavage, white bathrobe, well-built, pale skin, (smile:.4), hard shadows, solo, night snow forest, steam, shirtspread, ¡Así de fácil! Por eso las plantillas son una herramienta muy útil. Usemos la misma consulta y LoRA para la foto de instagram pose misionero, Nancy de 19 años, pelo largo castaño, pechos grandes, bien formada, piel pálida, (smile:.4), sombras duras, solo, vapor, pm1s, chica, pov, pene, Y otra pose LoRA: instagram photo, 19 y.o. Nancy, long brown hair, large breasts, well-built, pale skin, (smile:.4), hard shadows, solo, steam, pm1s, girl, pov, penis, ¡No olvides añadir tus LoRAs favoritas a tus favoritos! Haz clic en la estrella de arriba a la derecha. Vamos a la siguiente categoría LoRAs para ropa, peinados, etc. Las plantillas de esta categoría son necesarias para añadir un determinado estilo o tipo de ropa, peinados, etc. a tus personajes. Tomemos el prompt ya conocido de los ejemplos anteriores y mezclémosle este LoRA: foto de instagram, Nancy de 19 años, pelo castaño largo, pechos grandes, bien formada, piel pálida, (sonrisa:.4), sombras duras, solo, enredaderas, Usemos algo inusual: foto de instagram, Nancy de 19 años, pelo largo castaño, pechos grandes, bien formada, piel pálida, (smile:.4), sombras duras, solo, líquido, vestido COLOR, Recuerda que todo lo que muestro son solo ejemplos. Puedes usar las plantillas que quieras. No recomiendo usar más de 3-4 LoRA en una generación. Sólo pidiendo "vestido" me mostró
Guía para principiantes para generar porno con IA con PornWorks AI

Beginner’s guide to generate Ai porn The modern world is developing at an incredible speed, and technology is not lagging behind. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our lives, infiltrating every aspect of our lives. One of the most exciting applications of AI is image generation. If you haven’t yet encountered image generation using neural networks, this guide will be a great place to start. But even if you’ve already taken your first steps or consider yourself a power user, this guide will help you deepen your knowledge and master the art of AI image generation using PornWorks AI We’ll cover what prompts and weights are, what models and loras (templates) are, and learn what each generation parameter is responsible for. In the end, you’ll be able to create unique and high-quality images that will impress you and the people you know. Let’s go! As you’ve already realized, we’re going to talk about the PW generator in today’s article. There are two versions on the site, the first and the second. Functionally they are almost no different, but the second version is more clear and more elaborate, so we will work with it. If you have the first version open, just click on this button at the top of the screen: Now that you have the second version open, we can start creating images! Porn AI Generator The generator uses the Stable Diffusion neural network. It allows you to use models and LoRA, unlike Midjourney or other generators, as well as more flexibly customize the generation parameters. The generator is divided into 4 components: Prompt Model Templates Settings We will not consider the “Characters” function in this article, but we will definitely touch upon it in the next ones. Let’s dwell on the others in more detail. Prompt Prompt – our text request. In this window we write what we want to see on the image.The neural network reads your request and creates an image based on it. There are a few rules that you should follow when creating our text query, this will help you achieve more accurate and creative results in your work: The generation goes from the first left word to the last right word. In turn, the further to the left a word is in the query, the more influence it has.Try to follow the following formula: “object > description of appearance and attributes > background, additional details“. Also use the following hints(and cheat sheets in the images below):Shooting angles / type of shot > close-upLighting > cinematic lightingArtistic Styles / Artist Style / Aesthetics > digital paintingColor scheme > bright colorsEnvironment > in the woodsQuality descriptors > best quality, masterpiece You can increase the weight of any word by putting it in brackets. So, its weight will increase by 10% and become 1,1. If you put it in double brackets, it will increase by 1.21 and so on. You can specify the exact weight in the format (any word:1.8). Now the construct any word has a weight of 1.8.I don’t recommend putting too large a value to avoid artifacts, about 0.5 to 2 is our range. If you are creating an anime style image, avoid the words “realistic”, “photography” and the like. This works the other way around as well. Working with anime models is also characterized by the following words “enhancers” in the prompt: masterpiece, best quality, and similar.Study the successful works of the community, and your generations will get better and better every time! We can talk about prompting for a long time, but these are the most basic rules you should know and use. Let’s try right now to create an image based on the prompts. Let’s use the following prompt: girl, looking away, (blonde hair), naked, medium breasts, cinematic lighting, digital painting, bright colors, forest, best quality, masterpiece The model will be Nude People (SDXL). These are the results: Add “fullbody” to the query: girl, fullbody, (blonde hair), naked, medium breasts, cinematic lighting, digital painting, bright colors, forest, best quality, masterpiece Of course, I had to experiment with the place of “fullbody” in the prompt. By experience I can say that full-body images turn out better in vertical resolution. Let’s try a slightly more complicated request: beautiful young girl, well-built, naked, brown hair, blue eyes, red lips, make up, nipples, manicure, charm, smiling, towel, onsen, night japan Not changed settings. Let’s change the color of the eyes and increase the size of the breasts a little bit: beautiful young girl, well-built, medium breasts, naked, brown hair, green eyes, red lips, make up, nipples, manicure, charm, smiling, towel, onsen, night japan I think we’re done with the prompt. Let’s move on. Models tab What is a model?Models are control files, which are pre-trained neural connections designed to generate images of a general or specific genre.Our past generations are based on the Nude People (SDXL) model. Now it is the most perfect model for realism and not only. But there are other models that are customized for other purposes. There are 15 models available on PornWorks right now.Try each one and find one close to your style! Let’s edit our last prompt a little bit and create anime style art. I’m using the Anime v2.5 model. The prompt is slightly different for each model. For example, in anime models we use “1girl, 1boy, 1woman, 1man” to describe gender instead of “girl or man”. Also for square resolution we use “solo” to get one girl in the image. And don’t forget about the quality descriptors at the beginning of the prompt: “masterpiece, best quality, high quality”. Yes, there is a problem with the fingers right now. But a little later I’ll give you tips on how to solve it.Let’s try the revAnime model: I think we’re clear on the models. Let’s move on. Templates tab What are LoRAs and what are they used for?LoRa’s can both make changes to the style of an image and help you create certain characters,
Cómo usar PornWorks AI para crear una chica temática
If you’re into a specific type of aesthetic, the PornWorks AI tool can be used to create a girl around that theme to fulfill your wildest fantasies. All you need to do is a bit of prompt engineering and clever wording. In this specific guide, we’ll be showing you how to create a variety of images by using a cyberpunk world as our inspiration. Before generating your prompts, you need to be sure of what you’d like to create. If its cyberpunk, you need to think about what fits into that world. Cool neon lights, tight leather lingerie or clothing, and how you want the girl to look. For our prompts, Lucy from the Cyberpunk Edgerunners Anime was a good muse. However, we didn’t use any references to her in our prompts. We did this exercise to show the extreme potential of the PornWorks AI, even without a direct reference to draw inspiration from. Steps To Follow Using The Right Keywords Unlike most other scenarios, using the PornWorks AI tool without any reference is more of a trial and error affair. However, the uniqueness of your results will be more satisfying. If we want a Cyberpunk girl, it’s best to think of keywords that align, including the pose of your muse. For our first attempt, we chose the following keywords in our prompt: “an image of a sexy woman in a cyberpunk city, raining, best quality, masterpiece, finely detailed, Japanese features, HD, looking at camera, white hair” These were the results that were generated when using this prompt combined with a CFG of 15 and steps at 25. Next, if we want to make her look more refined and akin to Lucy from Cyberpunk, we can try using more prompts that relate to the image we have in our heads. Negative prompts can come in handy here. As an example, let’s say we want to generate an image of Lucy receiving a creampie with her legs spread out. In this situation, it’s best to use a list of good prompts that relate to the image. With Creampies, its best to let the Lora feature handle it to achieve a realistic result. Using Lora & Embeddings Here’s a list of the prompts we used to achieve the image below: “an image of a sexy woman, cyberpunk, best quality, masterpiece, finely detailed, Japanese features, HD, looking at camera, white hair, pixie cut, legs spread open, creampie, beautiful pussy completely visible with spread labia, ultra high resolution, ultra-detailed, cum coming out of vagina, ” Here are some of the negative prompts provided in addition to the default negative prompts: “from the back, doggystyle, bent over” Anime 2.5 Another dynamic shot we did with this character is in an anime format. When a character has a cyberpunk design, it’s nice to imagine the more colorful expressions that can exist from the Anime 2.5 model. Here, we thought it would be interesting to see how it compares to the default model. Here are the results: The image above was created with a CFG of 13, and the only change in prompts was our use of a new model. This shows just how dynamic you can get with the PornWorks tool. AI generations are usually down to how creative you want to get. The Anime 2.5 generation has a more expressive face, and it also has a visual intensity that outmatches realism. If this is the type of art style you prefer in a cyberpunk setting, this model is worth considering. Here are some more anime designs we were able to generate. We’ll specify the prompts used accordingly: “an image of a sexy woman, cyberpunk, best quality, masterpiece, finely detailed, Japanese features, HD, looking at camera, white hair, pixie cut, ultra high resolution, ultra-detailed, creampie, view from the back, perfect body, cute pussy, very slim waist, pov camera, cum dripping, ” Here are other images centered on a cyberpunk theme while using Anime 2.5 and Realistic V3 for the Model:
Cómo utilizar la herramienta PornWorks AI para crear una chica monstruo
The PornWorks tool is one of the most creative outlets you can find on the internet today. If you have any X-rated or NSFW ideas, there’s no better place to look. In order to unlock your creativity, we’ve made this guide as a way to inspire ideas on what you’d like to create. In today’s guide, you’ll learn how to create a monster girl while using this tool. A monster girl in typical anime media has the appearance of a “succubus” or she-devil, while sporting horns and a distinct color combination. That’s what we wanted to achieve with this design. To make that possible, we began with the usual first steps. How To Begin Using PornWorks AI Adjusting AI Attention To Keywords When you’re attempting to create an image that features a specific trait that you want to have as a ‘must,’ you should start using tags that are in a basic format of “(word:weight).” Here’s what we mean. In this monster girl image generation process, we needed to ensure that her skin was purple for some of the images. The only way to make that possible was by using this feature as follows: (purple skin:1.5). What this means is that the 1.5 is interpreted as 150% extra attention from the AI towards this keyword. Here’s the difference between two images we were able to create without the attention brackets, versus when it was utilized. For the images above, we used the following keywords: “image of a sexy woman, monster girl, horns, (purple skin:1.5), purple body, best quality, masterpiece, finely detail, HD, ultra-high resolution, ultra-detailed, perfect body, very slim waist, text_monster-girl, elf ears, cinematic lighting, concept art, sharp focus, succubus” The only difference between them is that the attention span feature was added to the “purple skin” prompt keyword. As we’ve highlighted in our tutorial for creating a themed girl, it’s important to include keywords that represent what you want to see in the image. However, if you have a lot of keywords included in the prompt, the AI may not pay attention to certain keywords in a significant way, and this can ruin the vision you have for an image you’re attempting to create. For a monster girl, we made sure to add attributes like horns, elf ears and also some “human” sexy features to ensure that she appeared hot, even with those fantasy features. Using Embeddings If you noticed the following in the keywords above “text_monster-girl,” that was an embedding. A feature that allows the AI to ensure that the image possesses certain attributes, even regardless of your pre-existing keywords. The monster girl embedding was necessary for the image we were trying to generate. Creating A Porn Scene With A Monster Girl The PornWorks AI tool is strong enough to do a lot of image processing, but converting the perfect type of scene from your head can be a bit difficult. That’s why it’s nice to have the AI attention features included. To create a porn scene using the tool, here are some keywords we used, and the results we were able to achieve: “image of a sexy woman, monster girl, horns, (purple skin:1.5), purple body, best quality, masterpiece, finely detail, HD, ultra high resolution, ultra-detailed, perfect body, very slim waist, text_monster-girl, elf ears, cinematic lighting, concept art, sharp focus, succubus, (((having sex with monsters:1.3))), (intercourse:1.3)” From the keywords above, you’ll notice that this is not the most intense porn scene you can find, but that can be adjusted depending on how much you increase the AI attention’s intensity. Playing around with this tool can give a scene more dept than normal. Also, with monster girls, using the Anime 2.5 Model makes a big difference for how expressive scenes appear. After all, anime is a medium where you’ll find all sorts of monster data to train on. Here are some results we got by increasing the “(((having sex with monsters:1.3))), (intercourse:1.3)” keyword intensities to 1.5, and using the Anime 2.5 model: Monster girls can come in all shapes and sizes, but be sure to reference this guide if you want to create a monster girl that accurately reflects the ideas in your head.
Cómo utilizar Pornworks para generar imágenes realistas a partir de dibujos 2D
How to use Pornworks To Generate Realistic Images From 2D Drawings In this guide, we’ll show you how the Pornworks.AI tool can help with bringing your favorite 2D characters to life! Follow the steps closely if you want to get the best possible results. Denoising works as a way to make an image appear very close to the reference, or highly deviated from the reference. In this case, you want a realistic version of your 2D character, so it’s best to use a lower Denoising strength. For example, if you want the image to match the outfit of your 2D character as close as possible, leave the Denoising strength on a figure like 4. If you’re looking for a more Cosplay type of aesthetic on the realistic version of a 2D character, it’s worth increasing the CFG slightly. By default, it should be on 7. You can turn that number up a slight bit. At 9, you’ll notice that the character looks more realistic, and her outfit looks like something that you can piece together in the real world. A higher CFG comes with a bigger chance of following your prompt, but it also affects how well the AI follows the reference you’ve used. Finding the perfect balance between CFG and Denoising is an important part to getting this right. In the example, we’ve used you’ll find that a Denoising of 4 combined with a CFG of 13 creates a perfectly clean version of the character, complete with a similar pose and outfit. This type of principle should be applied further if you want to ensure that your character matches in pose and aesthetic. If the character wears glasses, be sure to include “glasses” in your prompt if you want them to appear. On the other hand, you can add “glasses” in the negative prompt if you don’t want them to appear in there. For the example above, we included some specific details that made it possible for the character to closely match the image. First, we needed to make sure that it came out in a good quality. This step is helped by the Pornworks tool by default. You’ll notice that in the Negative Prompt section, there’s a list of words/attributes that are not considered when generating an image. This makes it easier to get something that looks natural. Next, the actual prompt. Here is the list of words added to the prompts in this article for a good image: “1girl, best quality, ultra-detailed, masterpiece, finely detail, highres, 8k wallpaper, glasses” the final word “glasses” is highly important for the girl here. The reference wears glasses, but if that word is not included, you might find a distorted version of her face where the AI can’t decide whether she should be wearing glasses or not. You can also do the opposite and add “glasses” to the negative prompt. That way, she can appear with a smoother look overall. Also, be sure to include details you’d like to see for your character in the prompt. A higher CFG will allow those details to be reflected in a much better way. Here are some examples of what you can achieve by inputting a good prompt combined with a reference. To top it off, a lower Denoising effect (4-6) combined with a slightly higher CFG (12+) will create an image that looks realistic, while still retaining the aesthetic of your 2D character. Be sure to experiment a bit, but know that applying the core principles explained here will save you a lot of time.
Cómo utilizar la herramienta PornWorks AI para crear imágenes escénicas
The PornWorks AI tool has the power to create the best AI girls you could ask for. But what if you wanted something that looked a bit more professional and scenic. It’s not enough for your model to be hot, she also needs to have a lot of depth to her photo. That’s where this guide comes in! We’ll show you how this tool can be utilized to make some of the best scenic imagery that you could possibly imagine. Creating A Scenic Image Inserting the Right Keywords Choosing keywords for a scenic image is down to what you want to see directly. Combine this with the AI attention feature – the one that allows you to use “(word:weight)” to create images, and you’re bound to generate some of the most eye-watering views ever seen. Check out this example of a woman on the beach: The keywords were as follows: “image of a woman relaxing on a beach, best quality, masterpiece, finely detail, HD, ultra high resolution, ultra-detailed, porn scene, sharp focus, (Haitian:1.5), (photoshoot:1.5), High quality camera, Braided hair” This image was generated with a lot of background detail, and part of the credit belongs to the Image Size feature of the PornWorks AI tool. This feature is best used when you want to generate an image with a lot of depth and background details. For this image, we selected the 1024 x 768 resolution. This gave us enough space on the image to generate a beach. Next, we tried the same principles for an image that looked like something straight out of a photoshoot. This is how the image appeared: Here are the keywords used: “image of 2 woman in a tropical setting, best quality, masterpiece, finely detail, HD, ultra high resolution, ultra-detailed, porn scene, sharp focus, (Hawaiian:1.5), (photoshoot:1.6), High quality camera, professional photo” We were able to get this image with two different angles of the same woman by manipulating the keywords in a special way. The resolution is also high, so the way she appears is quite rich and intense. For the image below, we wanted it to look like something straight out of a magazine, so we chose to use keywords that reflected that type of setting. Here is the image, and the keywords selected are below: These are the keywords used for this image: “image of a woman relaxing in a condo, best quality, masterpiece, finely detail, HD, ultra high resolution, ultra-detailed, porn scene, sharp focus, (Russian:1.5), (photoshoot:1.5), POV Camera, Vogue photoshoot”
Cómo utilizar la herramienta PornWorks AI para insertar rostros en escenas porno
La imaginación es el límite cuando se trata de creatividad con la herramienta PornWorks AI. Si buscas una forma de ir más allá de lo que creías posible, estás en el lugar adecuado. Atrás quedaron los días en los que necesitabas ser un experto en Photoshop para crear la imagen perfecta. Ahora tenemos la herramienta PornWorks para hacerlo posible. Esta guía está diseñada para ayudar a los usuarios nuevos y avanzados con escenarios más dinámicos. En particular, destacaremos cómo se puede utilizar la herramienta PornWorks AI para insertar rostros en escenas porno. Si tienes en mente una etnia o pose facial en particular, puedes aprender a usar PornWorks para que funcione con tus escenas favoritas. Pasos a seguir Ahora que tienes una idea del procedimiento, es hora de aprender sobre la personalización con la herramienta. Cuando uses PornWorks AI para caras, una de las primeras cosas con las que tendrás que familiarizarte es la herramienta in-paint. Esta herramienta se utiliza como una forma de asegurarse de que sus imágenes aparecen de acuerdo a su descripción, sin dejar de mantener las propiedades originales de su imagen de referencia. En este caso, deberás utilizar la herramienta "in-paint" sobre la cara del modelo porno que vayas a colocar en la escena. Ahora, es el momento de ocuparse de los ajustes. Esta etapa es super importante, así que asegúrese de seguir de cerca. Usted quiere hacer que su modelo elegido aparezca con una cara diferente, por lo que lo primero que debe mirar es la fuerza Denoising. Una fuerza de 10 indica que la IA de PornWorks reemplazará totalmente lo que la imagen original tenía en la sección in-paint, por lo que es utilizable. Sin embargo, no tiene que ser tan alto. Cualquier cosa por encima de un 8 debería estar perfectamente bien. A continuación, debe echar un vistazo a los niveles de CFG. CFG indica cuánto sigue su prompt. Es mejor tener un buen prompt que use unas pocas palabras clave. Una lista popular de palabras clave populares incluye lo siguiente: "1girl, best quality, ultra-detailed, masterpiece, finely detail, highres, 8k wallpaper" Al final de esa lista de palabras clave, puedes añadir lo que quieras que parezca la chica. De este modo, aparecerá en la imagen con la cara que tú elijas. Un tipo de look perfecto, y un caramelo visual totalmente claro. Aquí tienes algunos ejemplos de imágenes generadas: En este primer ejemplo, usamos la herramienta inpaint sobre la cara de la pornstar, y añadimos la palabra "Ruso" a la indicación, y encaja perfectamente. A continuación, también hicimos una generación de imágenes con una imagen más dinámica. Su pierna derecha está levantada y tiene una polla dentro. En la primera imagen generada, añadimos la indicación adicional "coreano" y no utilizamos la herramienta inpaint. En su lugar, hicimos algunos ajustes con el CFG y Denoising. Ajustamos el CFG a 15 e hicimos que la herramienta Denoising se situara en 6. Esto ayudó a crear una imagen que parecía nítida y detallada, manteniendo la misma pose que la imagen original. También probamos el mismo mensaje, pero cambiamos la palabra "coreano" por la palabra "ruso" y así es como apareció nuestro modelo. Aumentamos el CFG a 16 para ésta, y dejamos el Denoising en 6. Si quieres un tipo diferente de estética para tu imagen, puedes intentar usar un Modelo diferente. No, no imagen de referencia, sino Modelo del menú desplegable. Por defecto, estarás en Realista V3. Cambie a uno diferente y vea cómo aparece la imagen. CFG 16, Denoising 6. En este ejemplo, hemos utilizado Grapefruit (Anime): El modelo Anime V2.5 hace maravillas, incluso la lengua lamiéndole las tetas. Asegúrate de utilizarlo si quieres que la imagen generada tenga un toque más caricaturesco. Hicimos esta versión Anime V2.5 de la imagen usando un CFG de 16 y Denoising a 6, y produjo una cara agradable y étnica.
Cómo utilizar la herramienta PornWorks AI para crear diferentes etnias
El origen étnico es una parte importante de la experiencia de la IA de PornWorks. Poder dar vida a cualquier tipo de chica, independientemente de sus rasgos étnicos, es algo que creíamos imposible hace sólo unos años. Ahora, con el poder de la IA, puedes generar una imagen de una chica según cuáles sean tus preferencias étnicas. He aquí cómo canalizar el poder de la IA para satisfacer a la chica porno de tus sueños en una imagen. Utilizar las palabras clave adecuadas Crear una chica étnica puede parecer sencillo, pero tienes que ser consciente de las características que probablemente existan en el tipo de chica de IA que deseas generar. Por ejemplo, si buscas generar una chica con rasgos suecos, es más probable que añadas ciertas palabras clave como rubia, ojos azules y otros detalles importantes. De esta forma, te aseguras de que la imagen sea coherente con una imagen estereotipada de cómo es una chica sueca. Hacer esto de la manera correcta es importante si desea que su experiencia sea fluida. He aquí algunas palabras clave de nuestro primer intento de crear una chica sueca: "imagen de una mujer sexy, mejor calidad, obra maestra, finamente detallada, HD, ultra alta resolución, ultradetallada, (iluminación cinematográfica:1.0), enfoque nítido, (sueca:1.5), Rubia, complexión delgada, ojos azules, (caminando por la pasarela:1.0)" Este es el resultado: Observará que tiene un aspecto elegante y bastante diferente del tipo de imagen por defecto que genera la IA. El estilo de pasarela nos permite ver su cuerpo tonificado y explorarla como un modelo perfecto de cómo es una chica sueca sexy. Ahora bien, la mejor manera de conseguir este tipo de resultados es asegurándonos de que las palabras clave hacen que la IA centre su atención en las palabras clave específicas que queremos que sean las más destacadas. En este caso, habilitamos "(Iluminación cinemática:1.0), (sueca:1.5), (caminando en pasarela:1.0)". Con esa función en uso, está garantizado que nuestra imagen tendrá elementos de esas palabras clave presentes. Es importante evitar sobrecargar con esta función de atención, ya que puede dar lugar a una imagen confusa, o la IA podría simplemente no prestar más atención a los detalles más débiles. Ahora bien, crear imágenes para determinadas etnias "nicho" es un poco más difícil. Aunque es fácil escribir "sueco" o "coreano", la IA no siempre parece aceptar ciertas palabras clave sobre la marcha. Por ejemplo, "sudafricano". Por eso es importante tener alguna idea de cómo quieres que sea tu modelo étnico, y en su lugar puedes proporcionar tú mismo los detalles. Estas son las palabras clave que hemos utilizado para generar la imagen de una mujer sudafricana que aparece a continuación: "imagen de una mujer sexy, mejor calidad, obra maestra, finamente detallada, HD, ultra alta resolución, ultra detallada, (iluminación cinematográfica:1.0), enfoque nítido, (africana de piel oscura:1.5), (caminando en pasarela:1.0), pelo trenzado, pelo natural, pelo 4C, abalorios tradicionales" Claramente, esta imagen es mucho más representativa del aspecto de una modelo sudafricana en comparación con lo que obtendrás si te ciñes a la idea predeterminada en tu palabra clave. También generamos algunas otras imágenes siguiendo estos principios. He aquí algunos ejemplos de chicas árabes, sudasiáticas y hawaianas que pudimos crear utilizando la herramienta de IA:
Cómo utilizar la herramienta Pornworks AI para modificar el sexo
Cómo utilizar la herramienta Pornworks AI para modificar el sexo