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We are watching a sex orgy in hell, they are wearing black leather collars around their necks, there is a stone alter behind them with satanic symbols and bowls of fire on it, there are puddles of hot lava and blood on the ground, there are flames and smoke and red orange lighting, one girl is holding an ornate knife over another girl's chest, ready to plunge it into her heart, she is ready to stab her, 2 women are kissing each other, 1 woman is vomiting, some of the women are sucking demon cocks and some are getting fucked in the ass, they are covered in cum and vomit and blood and piss and shit, the demons are red and have black wings and horns, vomit looks like blended up food, they are very sexy, they are being punished for their sins, there are snakes on them, one girl has a snake crawling out of her anus


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