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woman, Age 20, Nastya, European appearance Round face, arched oily eyebrows, natural eyelashes, round eyes, potato nose, large mouth, large full lips, dimples on cheeks, mole above the upper lip from the left, square cheekbones, dimple on the chin, red-haired, a young and ambitious woman, had been looking forward to her day off all week and was in desperate need of rest. As soon as Saturday came, she arranged with her closest friends to go to a local club and play billiards. Dressed in her favorite jeans and a simple blue T-shirt, Nastya met her friends at the club. They were all happy to spend the day together, socialize and have fun. As they entered the club, the sounds of music and laughter filled the air, creating the perfect mood for a day of relaxation., aim, pool, ball, both, hands, holding, cue, lean, on, table, bend, over, ribbon, lace, dress, professional, game, night, <lora:girllikepoolball_v20:.5>


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